Friday 6 November 2009

Question about films budgets


How does a budget of a film institution affect production practice used to appeal to the target audience?

The budget affects where you can film your production; for example if you had a small budget and you wanted to use the queens house for filming your expensives will not be able to cover that and the rest of the film. Also with out and big budget you will not be able to get established actors without using same or maybe all off your budget for the whole film. Aswell as when you a low budget you will not be able to include loads of special effects to the film; special effect ETC is quite expensive therefore if you have a low budget you will not be able to include these effects. Also

The best films to make with a low budget are realistic films; for example "This Is England" and "Dead Mans Shoes"; both these films are made to be realistic therefore saving thereselfs money and making it with in there budget because they can use comment scenes, no special effects and unestablished actors. For example "This is England" they only have 1.6million to spend on the whole film; this film was a really big hit with the audiences as they targeted it for old people as well as young people; the old people could relate to this film, and the young people just wanted to know what the old england was like. The producters of small budget films normally try to make there film to the widest audience possible therefore trying to make a wide audience and also to make a big profit from a low budget.

"Dead Men Shoes" also had a low budget; this film was filmed like this is england in common places which saved them money. The film had a unsteady camra through the whole film; this makes it look more realistic to the audince and creates what the producter wants realisim. "Dead Men Shoes" was based on drug dealers; this will bring in the young audience beause most of the young audience like violent films therefore getting these types of viewers in. As well as like "This Is England" it had unestablished actors; this adds to the realisim because they not known therefore we can belive what is going on.

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