Monday 9 November 2009

About Film marketing advertising

There are 2 types above the line and below the line advertising. Above the line is a advertising that you do not have to go out and search for; for example a poster, this is not what you were looking for but it is just there and is advertising whatever it is to you; therefore making it above the line advertising. Below the line is a advertising that when your doing something comes up; for example itube; you will type it whatever you want and it will come if this is a trailer etc you are looking for it so it is below the line advertising.

All these films advertise there film and try to get the public to want to come and watch it;

• 2012
• The men who stair goats
• Bunny and the bull

“2012” is a big blockbuster and have advertised there film on TV with movie trailers over 3 channels; they have also put posters up around parts of England to also attract viewers to come and watch it. As well they have put the trailers on YouTube and have been advertising it over the radio. There budget for the whole thing was $20 million. There marketing budget was $2 million for advertising it on TV, radio and poster.
“The men who stairs at goats” have advertised there film also on TV and with posters; the TV trailer is on as often or more then “2012” because they have a bigger budget then “2012” had. There budget for the whole film is $25 million. The marketing budget for this film is 2.5 million they wanted 10% to go on marketing to attract the audience in so they can get a profit on making the film.
The Bunny and the bull had a very low budget to advertise and make there whole film; there budget was $5 million for the whole film. They have only advertising the film on there website and a few posters because they had a very low budget to advertise the film compared to “2012” and “the men who stairs at goats”. There marketing budget was $500,000 which had to cover there trailer, posters ETC which is not a lot.
The marketing advertising has got more and more in the film industry on TV and radio ETC. Every year they put more and more on the budget for marketing and has much improved then how it was in the 1990’s.

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